Oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0.16
Oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0.16

oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0.16

The thing is, I suspect that the command for running the virtual machine instance is something as follows:

  • Restarted the Docker Quickstart Terminal.
  • Added new USB filter, by selecting the machine from the pop-up list.
  • Powered off the default virtual machine, and went to Machine → Settings… → USB.
  • Upgraded Oracle VirtualBox to 5.0.16, and installed the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extensions Pack, which allows the boot2docker VM the ability to use USB 2.0 to access my device.
  • oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0.16

    So I'm trying this on Windows, and here's what I've done so far: I've not been able to locate any instructions on how to access a USB device from Docker in Windows, exactly, although the instructions here, despite being from Mac OS X, come pretty close.

    Oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0.16